Literary Translation

I translate literary works in the following language pairs: Bulgarian-English, Czech-English,  Italian-English, and Czech-Bulgarian. I am  a member of the American Literary Translators Association (ALTA)

Published Poems and Novel Excerpts

An excerpt from the novella Welcome, Nathan!—An Act of Literary Genesis by Irina Papancheva. Apofenie: Literary Journal for Underrepresented Voices. Summer 2020.

Poetry by poets of the Bulgarian circle New Social Poetry. Apofenie. Volume 7: Justice. June 2019.

Excerpt from Invisible by Nataliya Deleva. Exhanges: Journal of Literary Translation. Fall 2018 Issue. The University of Iowa.

“From Concerto for Sentence by Emiliya Dvoryanova, translated by Elitza Kotzeva.”Review of Contemporary Fiction, 33 (1): 46-51. Dalkey Archive Press, 2013.

Published Full-Length Novels

Concerto for Sentence by Emiliya Dvoryanova. Urbana- Champaign: Dalkey Archive Press, 2016. (Bulgarian to English)

Born under a Lucky Star by Ilona Lacková. Centre de Recherches Tsiganes, Université “René Descartes”, Paris, France. Sofia: Litavra Publishing, 2000. (Czech to Bulgarian)